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Known also as RF (renal failure), KF can be induced by many diseases affecting the kidneys and the related organs.


Kidney Failure (KF) in Dogs




o   KF: Kidney Failure

o   ARF: Chronic renal failure

o   CRF: Acute renal failure.

o   DX: dialysis

o   Ttt: treatment,

o   RF: renal failure.

o   OPD: outpatient department.


Known also as RF (renal failure), KF can be induced by many diseases affecting the kidneys and the related organs. A healthy kidney can maintain hydration, keep normal electrolyte balance, produce hormones required for RBCs production, in addition to toxins removal. If the kidney is no longer ready to function properly, KF supervene. Generally, in dogs, there are 2 major categories of this situation:

kidney failure in dogs symptoms kidney failure in dogs stages kidney failure in dogs treatment kidney failure in dogs causes kidney failure in dogs end stage

I.              CRF (Chronic Renal Failure)

CRF develops when the kidney loses its function gradually (along weeks, months, or even y.s). It is mostly caused owing to the degenerative processes related to aging nature. Whilst all kidneys expressing fixed lifespan, certain dogs show rapid deterioration faster than others.

II.            ARF (Acute Renal Failure)

Renal function may abruptly decline within hours or days that is known as ARF and is usually related to consumption of toxins or infectious episodes. Vital difference that differentiating CRF from ARF is the fact that ARF is more vulnerable to be corrected if treated early and promptly, whilst CRF may only be managed with variable results.

kidney failure in dogs symptoms kidney failure in dogs stages kidney failure in dogs treatment kidney failure in dogs causes kidney failure in dogs end stage

What induces of kidney failure in dogs?

Any disease impacting the kidney function may induce the kidney to fail, e.g.:

1)    Congenital Diseases: All hereditary aberrations and the related illness may induce KF (everything from cyst formation & agenesis (born with absent one or 2 kidneys).

2)    Dental Diseases: sever dental illness can induced by the building-up of bacteria beneath teeth and gums. These bacteria accumulate there, entering the bloodstream attacking various systemic organs, leading irreversible damage to kidney tissues, along with other systemic organs.

3)    Bacterial Infections: to Drink or swim in a contaminated water is a real threat, as body systems became more vulnerable to bacterial infection that includes leptospirosis. This may result in kidney tissue inflammation and renal cells apoptosis (death).

4)    Intoxications: If the renal tissues have been intoxicated, this can make the cells inside the kidney to be harmed. It can be observed if your dog was consuming medications or poisons (including materials or types of food that are considered toxic to dogs).

5)    Geriatric Degenerative processes: Breaking down of cells inside the renal tissues that may die with aging of your dog leading to renal disease.

 kidney failure in dogs symptoms kidney failure in dogs stages kidney failure in dogs treatment kidney failure in dogs causes kidney failure in dogs end stage

What are the manifestations of kidney failure in your dog?kidney failure in dogs symptoms kidney failure in dogs stages kidney failure in dogs treatment kidney failure in dogs causes kidney failure in dogs end stage


Observe the following common Sms related to KF:

o   Pale gum.

o   Bloody urine

o   Sever weight loss

o   Intestinal convulsions

o   Persistent vomiting

o   An abnormally Lethargic dog.

o   Rising or declining in water intake

o   Rising or decline in urine volume

o   Mouth ulcerations

o   Breath smelling like a chemical

o   Significant decline in the dog appetite

o   Abnormally drunken behaviour with non-coordinated moving e.g., stumbling


Little factors are indicating whether kidney disease or other medical problems e.g., DM are responsible of these Sms, e.g., the type of KF your dog may be related to the magnitude of kidney failure, progress of the disease and the underlying aetiology.



 kidney failure in dogs symptoms kidney failure in dogs stages kidney failure in dogs treatment kidney failure in dogs causes kidney failure in dogs end stage

How can I treat my dog?


As it dealt in many other diseases, how your dog’s KF is managed will be recognised to a great extent by the underlying aetiology of her kidney disease. ARF may induce severe illness to the extent that they may require admission to be hospitalized in the intensive care. Mild cases can be managed by AB, fluids & medications on an OPD basis. Despite costly manoeuvre, DX can be also be efficacious in alleviating your dog’s Sms. Vets are usually planning to manage chronic KF by manoeuvres that slow down disease progression and considering treatment lines that improve the quality of life. Fluid losses, nausea, vomiting and alterations in BP and other Sms requiring therapy, typically with dietary and medical re-planning. For this ill pet enjoying a better quality of life is amenable for ys (up to 4 ys) after KF diagnosis. Specialized vet may also prescribe the recommended diet, nutritional supplementations with particular nutrients to optimize the nutritional status.

 kidney failure in dogs symptoms kidney failure in dogs stages kidney failure in dogs treatment kidney failure in dogs causes kidney failure in dogs end stage

How to prevent your dog from suffering a kidney failure?

kidney failure in dogs symptoms kidney failure in dogs stages kidney failure in dogs treatment kidney failure in dogs causes kidney failure in dogs end stage

AS ARF is usually induced by consuming polluted foods, food they should not ingest (e.g., grapes), or interaction with other toxins, frequently, dog owner can prevent this variant of KF. Have a look at your surroundings through your dog’s eyesight and dal with the potential toxins e.g., antifreeze coming from ethylene glycol (potentially toxic to your dog) and stored drugs or other serious-for-dogs’ foods or materials out of reach of their curious smelling.

CKD is mostly observed as an age-related disease that is greatly determined by genetic predisposition. However, scheduling your dog in a regular physical visits with annual wellness checking-up may increase the chance to detect disease as early as possible. Consequently, your vet can be able to tailor a therapeutic plan. With the guidance of your veterinarian, your dog’s KF can be diagnosed and thereby managed early giving her a better chance for better longevity and survival. If you suspect your dog may be suffering a kidney disease and CRF/ARF appear on the horizon,  it is the timing of appointment request.