Q.475. What is the role of proinlflammatory cytokines in the pathophysiology of sepsis?
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Q.475. What is the role of proinlflammatory cytokines in the pathophysiology of sepsis?
A. Proinlflammatory cytokines: 👉 [TNFa– IL1B-IL6-IL8] released in response to
infectious stimuli: TNFa– IL1B wide
range effects incl.: {activation
of macrophage , lymphocytes, reticulocytes, incr. expression of
adhesion molec-ules & incr. production of inflammatory cytokines.}
is the role of antiinlflammatory cytokines in the
pathophys-iology of sepsis?
A. Antiinflammatory cytokines 👉[TNF B- IL10-IL13]
Reduce the pro-inflamm. cytokines (TNFa – IL1B),
furthermore, in animal models, these cytokines ð a KEY component of Sepsis, As: infusion of TNFa– IL1B Shock state, and A.B.
to these cytokines attenuate the shock-like
is the role of Neutrophil in the pathophysiology of sepsis?
A. Neutrophils: in critically ill ptn. Abn. Neutrophil
function Reduced migration & superoxide production
& bacterial
killing = ALL impair host def-ence
is the role of other mediators?
A. Other mediators:
PGE2: Responsible of V.D. of septic shock.
Thromboxane A2: V.C.
& Platelet & leukocyte aggregation.
PAF: produced by many cells in resp. to inflmm.
stimuli & stimulate leukocyte adhesion to endothelium.
transcription f. located in cytoplasm of mast cells) Recently:
stimulation of cells by cytokines, bacteria or viral by-products Translocation
of NF. KB fr. cytoplasm to
nucleus, where it regulates transcription of target genes, wch. activate &
modulate cytokines, chemokines & receptors of [Sepsis-SIRS-ARDS -MODS.].
Q.479. How
can the coagulation system affected by sepsis?
A. Sepsis:
Protein C &
downregulate its convertion to active protein C Thrombosis.
Dramatic of anti-thrombin III.(which inhibit thrombin III
& f.X.) microthrombosis MODS.
Q.480. What
are Toll-like receptors? What
is its significance?
A. Toll-like receptors: [T.L.Rs.] (toll=mark):[Proteins tht recognize sp. patt-ern of a pathogen].
Ten human T.L.Rs, when
stimulated Cascade
of Signal-ing events production
of cytokines & effector molecules, incl. (TNFa– IL1-IL6.) wch’re the Iry transduction of the inflamm. resp. to the
invading organism.
Q.481.What is the role of the kidney in T.L.R.s. expression?
A. T.L.Rs. are necessary for HOST DEFENCE , The kidney express most of the T.L.Rs., but T.L.R. 2 & 4 most studied,
because they have a potential role in mediating G+ve (Tol 2)
& G -ve
(Tol. 4) signaling.
- A possible role of Local T.L.Rs. in mediating R.F. is evaluated,
moreover, Local T.L.Rs. directly
mediate AKI seen in sepsis.
Q.482. Describe
the clinical features of sepsis?
A. C.F. > [fever-hypothermia- tachycardia-tachpnea-leukocytosis-leukopenia].
Many cytokines > Sn
& Sm. e.g. TNFa & IL1 Fever, .. Failure to
dev. fever M.R.,
hypoglycemia, hypocalcaemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia &
hypophosphatemia all
are seen.
- Sev. sepsis Hypotension due to N.O. release & dcr.
circulatory volume.
- Intravascular
vol. depletion occ. due to:
1) Incr.
insensible losses.
2) Incr.
3) Dcr.
systemic vascular
resistance. (SVR).
- Once resuscitation occur Hyperdynamic CVS é C.O. & SVR.
Q.483.What is the effect of sepsis on the heart & respiratory system?
A. Sepsis Myocardial
depression LVED volume & LVES
volume, the accused f. TNFa– IL1,
……. also, N.O. -ve intrope.
- Hypoxia & tachypnea,
ARDS= 40
%. Adrenal insufficiency= 40 %.
- DIC, Lab thrombocytopenia, PT, a.PTT, D-dimer.
is the effect of sepsis on the CNS & peripheral nerves?
A. Septic
encephalopathy= the most
common in ICU, due to
Impaired mitochondrial
Impaired O2
extraction by the brain.
3) Disruption of astrocyte
4) All inflmm.
mediators Neural inj., confusion, lethargy,
obtundation & coma.
Critical illness polyneuropathy due
to axonal
degeneration, ch.ch. by hyporeflexia, weakness, distal
more than proximal.
Q.485. Explain,
how could the kidney be affected in sepsis?
A. Incidence: 9-60%. M.R.: 50%
- Clinically: ATN up to [Bilateral
Cortical Necrosis].
- Hypotension Renal hypoperfusion AKI. As does nephrotoxic ag.s.
Role of
1. TNFa Release fr. (mesangial)
Leukocytes accumulation in
the glomeruli.
Apoptotic glomerular endothelial
cell death.
iii. Endothelin production.
i. V.C.
ii. Neutrophil
iii. More cytokine release.
Thromboxan E2 [RBF, GFR, Afferent V.C.].
Leukotriens released é endotoximia RBF & GFR.
PAF (platelet aggreg. factor) Both aff. & eff. arteriolar resistance & GFR.
Endothelin 1
incr. é response to septic mediators incl. TNFa
Renal V.C., inhibition of Na+ & water reabsorption by collecting tubules.
are the potential contributors of MODS in sepsis?
A. Potential contributors
of MODS:
Microvascular thrombosis.
Mitochondrial dysfunction.
Ischemia /Reperfusion injury.
Circulating inflammatory load.
Diffuse endothelial cell injury.
Increased tissue N.O.
Bacterial toxin translocation.
are the main tools in management of sepsis?
A. Three main items:
I. Eradication of infection. II. Hemodynamic support. III. Activated vitamin
Q.488.What are
the recommendations in infection eradication?
A. A.B.
coverage should
be Double é
1) Pseudomonas aerogenosa.
2) Febrile Neutropenia.
3) Intra-abdominal infection.
Q.489. How
can you perform hemodynamic support in sepsis?
A. At least 10 L./crystalloid/1st 24h., as profound
hypotension occ.
due to: [Volume depletion-
Peripheral V.D.-
Incr. permeability].
So, aggressive vol. resusc-itation, boluses
of fluid given until reperfusion occur, e.g.
urine output.
- Colloid Vs crystalloids No
evidence of preference.
Q.490.What is the goal-directed
therapy in hemodynamic support?
A. Goal-directed therapy a use of the foll. end-points to
improve M.R.:
Mean arter. B.P.
C.V. O2 saturation.
- Tools:👉
1) Dopamine & Nor. 1st choice
in sepsis:Dopamine: limited use, as sepsis incr. its chrono. effect tachycardia &
arrhythmia. - Nor.: as effective as dopa.
in B.P, but less cardiac effect,
it doesn’t C.O. as dopa.
2) Epinphrine:
used in refractory
hypotension, but s. lactate.
3) Vasopressin: of posterior pituitary V.C. & antidiuresis.
It’s incr. (20-200) times in shock, it cn spare Nor., B.P. & cardiac index.
-Alth. [Nor.] Profound
glom. affer. V.C., [Vasopressin] G. effer.V.C. GFR, but Vasopressin coronary V.C. AMI. & hs No +ve inotropic effect.
4) Doputamine: cn
be used to O2, but cn potentiate hpt.,
due to B2 V.D., it is recommended for low cardiac index (<
2.5 L/min/m2) after vol. resuscitation, but if B.P. 80 , it shd be used with Nor.,
to mediate peripheral V.C.