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Renal Transplantation$type=sticky$count=4$cate=1$icon=1
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"بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم" الغسيل الَكلوي الَدَموي المَجاني جمهورية مصر العربيه مَراكِز الغَسيل الكُلو...
CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY Q.11. What non -immune complex -mediated disease can cause low complement level? A . Non-im/m. comp...
Management of struvite or staghorn calculi Staghorn calculi denote a branching stone that can occupy ALL or part of the kidn...
صحة " الشعر والأظافر " لدي مَر ي ض الكُلي خلق المولي عز وجل " الظفر والشعر " من عناصر الجمال البش...
INTENSIVE CARE NEPHROLOGY Single kidney Revise please the abbreviation list on: /edit/86108570...
CRRT Prescription in AKI Abbreviations ( read twice please ) : o A/V: Arteriovenous o AKI: acute kidney injury...
PRIZED ARTICLES The following articles have been candidates for the following prizes as follows: [1] Article : Journey of a patie...
KIDNEY TRANSPLANT Allograft INFECTION (CONTIN.) Q .685. What are the treatment options for those patients? A. Ptns. without R....
Intermittent bolus vs continuous infusion of hypertonic saline in severe hyponatremia (Nov. 2020 ) Ptns with severe , chroni...
Technical aspects of nocturnal hemodialysis ( NH ) Abbreviation (read twice please) : o Ca + Cl - : Calcium Chloride ...