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How to break up a kidney stone?

Lithotripsy is a technique that using shock waves to break up the stone in the kidney and its ureteral extension



How to break up a kidney stone?



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o   ESWL: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,

o   Extracorporeal: = outside the body,

o   UTI:  Urinary tract infection,

o   Litho: Lithotripsy.

o   U/S: Ultrasound,

o   UB: Urinary Bladder.

o   AB: Antibiotics.

o   BTx: blood transfusion,

Litho is a technique that using shock waves to break up the stone in the kidney and its ureteral extension (tube carrying urine from your kidney to your UB). After the commencing Litho, the tiny particles of these stones can be discharged out of your body in your urine.


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Procedure: ESWL is the most commonly used type of Litho. "Extracorporeal” means outside the body. To prepare you for this procedure, you should be put on a hospital gown, lying on an examination table on the top of a soft, water-filled cushion. Don’t worry, you will not be wet. You will be given certain medication to kill any pain or helping you to relax before commencing the procedure. You will also start an AB. With start of the procedure, you may be administrated general anesthesia to complete the procedure. Whilst sleeping the procedure will proceed in a painless manner. High-energy shock waves, also named sound waves, with the guide of an x-ray or U/S, will be passed through the body until hitting the kidney stones. If still awaking, you may feel like a tapping sensation with the start of this process. These waves will break these stones into minute pieces. The Litho technique will take about 45 min up to 1 h. A tube-like material called the stent may be in place throughout your back or bladder into your kidney. This tube can drain urine out of your kidney until ALL these small particles of stone passing out of your body. This may be done prior to or even after you have commenced the Litho therapy.


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Why the Procedure is performed: Litho can be used for removing kidney stones with the following:

1)    Bleeding tendency.

2)    Kidney damaging.

3)    Painful states

4)    Persistent UTI.

5)    Not all types of kidney stones can be treated via Litho. They can be also be removed via:


1.    Tubing (endoscopic) inserted into the kidney via a small cut in your back.

2.    Small tubing (ureteroscope) inserted via UB into the ureters. Ureters are the tubing connecting your kidneys to the UB.

3.    Open surgical interference (rarely applied now).

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Associated Risks: Litho is mostly safe over the time. You can discuss this list of complications with your clinician:

1.     Bleeds around the kidney that may necessitate BTx.

2.     Renal (Kidney) infection.

3.     Particles of the stone may block urine flow from the kidney (causing severe pain or harm to the kidney). If happened, additional interference may be required.

4.     Particles of the stone may be left in your body (requiring more interference).

5.     Stomach or small intestinal ulcerations.

6.     Decline in kidney function post-interference.

Before the Procedure: inform your physician about:

o   Presence/Absence of a possible pregnancy

o   Current medications, even drugs, supplementations, or herbal medications you get with no  prescription

o   Prior to surgery:

1)    Stop blood thinner medications e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin (Coumadin), and other medications making it harder with blood clotting. Ask also about the exact timing of holding them.

2)    Ask your clinician which medications you must still taking during the day of the procedure.

o   On the day of your procedure:

1.    You must hold drinking and eating anything several hours prior to the procedure.

2.    Take your medications you allowed to take with a small amount of water.

3.    You will be informed about the timing of arrival to the hospital.

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After the Procedure: you will be asked to be admitted in the recovery room up to 2 h.s. Most of the patients can go home same day of the procedure. You will be provided a urine strainer to catch up the particles of stone passing with your urine.

Prognosis: of this procedure is greatly related to the number of your stones, their sizes, and their locations in your urinary tract. Litho is mostly removing ALL the present stones.


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Alternate Terms: Extracorporeal shock wave Litho; Shock wave Litho; Laser Litho; Percutaneous Litho; Endoscopic Litho; ESWL; Renal calculi- Litho.