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Q.729.What are the treatment recommendations of C4d staining in R. allografts & AMR?


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Q.729.What are the treatment recommendations of C4d staining in R. allograft & AMR?

A.Non-Dsz:  AMR ptns who hvn’t Dsz: either daily or alternate d. Pph. é either centrifugal or membrane pl. separation. Initial ttt: one & 1/2 vol. exchange & subsequent éone vol. exchange of albumin, é fff as indicated. An alternate d. exchange protocol may be preferable, as albumin alone cn often be given for replacement é interval recovery of PT, PTT  & fibrinogen to acceptable levels é no need for fff. This avoids risk of Ag. Ssz; however, 1-2 u. of fff shd be used for replacement é end of Pph. ttt if indicated (by pre-procedure lab. values or é same d.R. biopsy). 100mg/kg of IVIG is given after each exch.& 500 mg/kg/d. for 1-2 d. after final exch., é total cumulative target dose of 1000mg/kg of IVIG. Pph is continued until s. Cr.20-30 % of baseline/minimum 4 sessions. If ptn. is not on tcrol./MMFØswitch to them. If already on tcrol./MMF🠉 dose if necessary. MPd 300-500mg/d./3-5 d. given foll. By rapid taper to maintenance pred. dose.

Refractory👳Ac. AMR: Rituximab 375mg/m2 given one time dose added + Pph, MPd & IVIG. Concurrent severe hist. evid.of cell. Rj. (Banff 2A or more) combin. of Pph, IVIG, MPd &TG.. So, us. performed Pph &IVIG(100mg/kg) on E.O.D.(Mon.,Wed.,Frid.& Sun.)/minimum 4ttt.s + TG(1.5-3.0mg/kg) E.O.D. é interve-ning d. (Tues.,Thurs. & Sat.)/total of 3 doses. However, one analysis suggest: suppl.TG given post Pph🠞 necessary to maintain equivalent s. levels, compared to TG doses é abs. of Pph. IVIG 500mg/kg is again given for 1-2 d. foll. final planned exch. é total goal of at least 1000 mg/kg of IVIG dur. ttt course.


Detection of DSA: é AMR, check for DSA (with titer if present) prior to ttt, during ttt. course (if s. Cr. is not decr.) & after final pl. exchange. é successful ttt. Achieving 50 %🠟 in DSA in AMR hs bn ass. é improved graft survival, supporting use of DSA monitoring to assess response to ttt. If cell-based testing for DSA is used, ttt é TG, rituximab, or IVIG false +ve results, necessitating these A.B. be adsorbed prior to testing.TG adsorption doesn’t affect in-vitro DSA testing. DSA (ELISA) é recent A.B. preparations 🠟 likelihood of interference é results in abs. of mono- or polyclonal A.B. adsorption. Donor lysate samples(ELISA)simplify getting serial DSA titers to monitor ttt response or suggestion of recurrent AMR foll. successful initial ttt.

If there’s evidence for DSA by ELISA, obtain a titer. In case of +ve C4d staining or other concern for AMR based é histological findings or lack of good clinical resp. to ttt for presumed CMR despite -ve ELISA, a more sensitive Luminex assay is per-formed to further evaluate evidence of DSA. Following successful ttt of AMR, a R. panel is obtained twice/w. for one m. & then weekly/3 m.. In case of Tx. into a recip. at high risk of AMR or following successful ttt of AMR, DSA assays are often obtained weekly /1st4-12 w., then monthly times 3. Newly evident or 🠉 titer DSA despite pres. of stable s.Cr. shd prompt a biopsy & consideration of ttt targeting AMR.


Titer of certain DSA (DR52, DR53 &DQ group), may not 🠟 significantly despite ttt. This hs bn most commonly encountered é CAG, é biopsy +ve C4d staining. Persistence of these A.B. has been rep. é setting of HLA Dsz. Significant of persistent🠝A.B. titers in abs. of graft dysfunction or histological evidence of Rj. (biopsy) is unclear.

Aggressive ttt may not be required é mild Rj. Just as some mild CMR episodes resolve without 🠝 intensity of im/m., the same may occur é relatively mild AMR In case of stable graft function é incidental finding of C4d +ve biopsy with or without evidence for DSA& abs. of hist. find., changing to or 🠝 dose of tcrol. & MMF &🠋threshold for repeat biopsy é graft dysfunction may be warranted.

Ch. allograft G.pathy: (CAG=CAN): Although significant of +ve C4d st. or +ve DSA é ch. setting is unclear, this may represent a chronic process of AMR tht might be fore-stalled through augmentation of im/m. regimen. We convert to or augment dose of tcrol. & MMF in case of CAG & +ve C4d st., é or without DSA. In case of graft dysfunction & +ve C4d st. alone without histological evidence of CAG in late Tx. period, follow the same protocol. Consideration may be given to 🠉maintenance dose of steroids to 10mg/d.if other measures is ineffective or not tolerated. If present, we repeat DSA titers after changes in im/m. regimen. Use of IVIG or other adjunctive measures, e.g. rituximab, é CAGé apparent AMR may be considered.    ♠♠

Q.730. What are the possible risk factors for graft failure in R. Tx.? 

A.There’re multiple f. of short- & long-term graft survival; most f. can affect both. Mj. f. tht dcr. short-term graft survival incl.:[Delayedallog. func. & pres. of HLAA.B.]. In addition, living donor Tx. hv a greater short-term survival rate than deceased donor kid.. Expanded criteria donor kid.(i.e, fr. brain-dead donors >60 y.  or é history of H.T. or stroke as a cause of death) are also assciated🠟 short-term graft survival. Donor illness, CMV seropositivity & f. related to Tx. medical center also play a role. Early allograft survival may vary é maint. DX & perhaps type of DX prior to Tx.

Late allograft failure is increase é [Delayed graft function, HLA mismatching, cold isch. time, dev. of anti-HLA A.B., & inadequate im/m. thpy]. Beneficial effect of HLA matching outweighs the detrimental effect of prolonging cold ischemia time in Tx. Kid.. Preformed HLA donor-specific A.B. are associated é 🠟allograft survival & may represent non-HLA immunity in some cases. AlloAg. independent f. contribute to 🠟 graft survival, which. incl.: {Inadequate R. mass, prior & ongoing tissue inj., noncompliance, post-transplant H.T., hyperlipidemia, a more marginal kid., CNI toxicity, CMV. seropositivity & recurrent or de novo G. disease.}.

Q.731. Why it is necessary to withdraw immunosuppressant after renal transplant failure? 👉

The reasons to withdraw im/m. medications in DX ptn. é  failed R.Tx. are : {The incr. risk of infection & malignancy if such agents are continued, S.E. of long-term steroid therapy, and tht dosing of some im/m. ag. is difficult in ptn é R.F.}.

The withdrawal of im/m. may be ass. é significant complications.  (see below).