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Q.701. How to maintain immunosuppressive therapy in R. Tx. in adults?



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Suspected/confirmed COVID-19 may show an AKI as part of their overall illness. One meta-analysis of hospitalized 13,000 patients, AKI incidence = 17 %, despite the range of AKI incidence was broad (0.5-80 %). About 5 % of ptns required RRT. Incidence may vary by geographic location & % of critically ill ptns in each study.

Clinical characteristics & histopathology: Renal disease among ptns e COVID-19 can manifest as AKI, hematuria/proteinuria syndrome, with a higher risk of mortality (MR). It is unclear if AKI is mainly due to hemodynamic instability and cytokine release or if it is viral-induced direct cytotoxicity. In one observational study of 5449 COVID-19 ptns in New York, AKI was diagnosed in 37 %. Mild AKI (1.5- 2-fold rise in SCr) was observed in 47 %, moderate AKI in 22 %, & severe AKI (> tripled SCr) in 31 %. Hematuria/proteinuria syndrome was seen in 46 and 42 %. DX was required in 15 % of all ptns with AKI, and 97 % of ptns requiring DX were mechanically ventilated. AKI was noted on or within 24 hs of admission in one-third of ptns. AKI correlated with severity of illness; AKI was nearly universal among mechanically ventilated ptns (90 %) but was less common in ptns who’re not critically ill (22 %). Independent predictors of AKI include:

1)    DM,

2)    Older age,

3)    Black race,

4)    hypertension,

5)    CVS disease,

6)    Mechanical ventilation,

7)    Higher interleukin-6 level, and,

8)    Use of vasopressor medications. 


kidney transplant complications kidney transplant requirements kidney transplant rejection symptoms kidney transplant rejection kidney transplant and covid vaccine kidney transplant age limit kidney transplant advantages kidney transplant and covid the kidney transplant waitlist kidney transplant blood type kidney transplant benefits kidney transplant biopsy

Q.701. How to maintain immunosuppressive therapy in R. Tx. in adults?


A. As adequate im/m. is required to dampen the immune response, ch. im/m. is slowly decrease over time to 🠞risk of infection & malignancy. Mj. im/m.: [steroids (oral prednisone), Aza, MMF, M. sodiom (myFortic), Csp (standard or micro emulsion), tcrol., evrol & rapamycin (Siros)]. Many combinations: including: triple [CNI, antimetab-olite & steroids], double im/m. & single agent therapy (CNI). Other than recip. of HLA two-haplo-type allograft & HLA identical allog. from monozygotic twin, we sugg.: [maintenance on triple im/m.[CNI, anti-metabolite & prednisone] . Aiming regimen:

Prednisone t.: 1 mg/kg/d./1st3 d. post-Tx., then🠟to 20 mg/d./1st w. Daily dose then 🠟every w. by 5 mg. 🠞15 mg/d. for one w.; 10 mg/d. for one w. & then 5 mg/d.. If No Ac. Rj, we 🠟 steroids to 🠞5 mg/d., one m. following R.Tx..                                             

Antimetabolites: Aza rather thn MMF. Aza 2.5 mg/kg/d., adj. for leukopenia. Use MMF é é Rj. risk or dis. recurrence & in gout é need for allopurinol.

Alternative strategy: which’s most commonly used🠞MMF as anti-metabolite for most ptn.. With this strategy, Aza is used in men planning on becoming fathers & in women of child bearing age, as MMF is teratogenic & C.I. in pregnancy.

MMF:1000 mg twice/d/. during 1st hospital admission. Ptn discharged at doses fr. 500 mg twice/d. (esp. é tacro.) to 1000 mg twice/ d. (esp. é Csp or ptn. at high risk for Rj.). Ptn. é marked G.I. S.E. é MMF, first switch to myFortic fr. MMF at a molecularly equiv. dose. {MMF at 500 mg twice/d. 🠞 equiv. to = myFortic 360 mg twice/d.}. If tht is ineffective,🠟dose further or switch to Aza.   🗘

CNI: tcrol rather than Csp. Give tcrol at doses fr.1-4 mg twice/d., é doses adjust to 🠞target whole-bld trough= 8-10 ng/mL /1st 3 m. & 3-8 ng/mL after that. Microemulsion Csp is preferred: 3-5 mg/kg/d. If monitoring of pl. or whole blood Csp trough levels is used, adj. doses to maintain 12 h. trough=200-300 ng/mL/ 1st 3 m. post-Tx.; after this period, 🠟doses to a trough levels: 50-150 ng/ mL. When C2 monitoring is used, we use C2 target of 800-1000 ng/mL in m.s 1-3 after Tx. & C2 targets of 400-600 ng/mL for subsequent  months.

Recurrent Ac. Rj. episodes who’re on triple therapy, alternate combinations can be tried. We avoid combin. of Siros + CNI (either Csp or tacro.) because both CNI are synergistically nephrotoxic when used é Siros. Among recipients of HLA two-haplotype allograft🠞[Prednisone + antimetabolite OR:  prednisone + CNI ].

HLA identical allograft recp. fr. monozygotic twin🠞Aza 50 mg/d.+ prednisone 5 mg/d./3 m.s only. After 3rd m.: maintained without im/m. medication.      😃

Q.702.When to consider Csp. & Tacrolimus having a high trough level?

A. High trough level of Csp> 350 ng/ml & Tacro>15 ng/ml.    💣 💣

Q.703. What is the role of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors in renal transplantation?

A. Mech. of action: Foll. entry into cytoplasm, Siros & evrol bind to FK binding protein & modulate activity of mammalian target of rapamycin. (mTOR), which🠟IL2-mediated signal transduction cell cycle arrest in G1-S phase. Siros & evrol block the response of T- & B-cell activation by cytokines, which. prevents cell-cycle progression & proliferation; in contrast, tcrol & Csp🠟cytokines production.

Siros” also ê proliferation of s.m. cells, and since there’s activation of Siros target in tuberous sclerosis (T.S) les., may dampen the growth of angiomyolip-omas é T.S. Siros also have anti-malignancy potential. Evrol (Afinitor) received approval for ttt of advanced renal cell carcinoma in March 2009.

Q.704. Describe the metabolism and excretion of mTOR?       👉

A. MetabolismSiros & evrol are extensively metabolized in the liver, and are substrates for cytochrome P450 3A4 & P-glycoprotein. Extent of Siros metabolism in intestinal wall is unknown. Siros is countertrans-ported in gut lumen by P-glyco-protein. These processes account for low bio-availability & high pharmacokinetic variability. Metabolites contribute to <10 % of im/m. activity of the parent compound, Siros. Known metabolites incl.: hydroxyl Siros, desmethyl Siros & hydroxyl -methyl Siros. An investingational im/m., RAD, (evrol) is: 40-O-(2 hydroxyethyl) derivative of Siros. Evrol hs 6 metabolites, all é minimal im/m. activity.

Excretion:Total clearance of Siros = 127-240 mL/hr/kg . Large inter subject variability occur in oral clearance of Siros, which reported to be 45 % higher in blacks, comp. to non-black ptns. Siros & evrol are mainly excretion. in👉feces é small % in urine . Elimination ½ life of Siros is 57-63 h., which enables once/d. dosing. Evrol hs a shorter ½ life of about 30 h..

Q.705. What are the doses and availability for mTor?   👓

A. Dosage & availabilitySiros is available in 1 mg/mL oral solution (60 mL) & 0.5, 1 & 2 mg triangular shaped tab.. Although oral solution & tab. are not bioequivalent, clinical equivalence has been demonstrated . Evrol is available as: 0.25, 0.5, & 0.75 mg round, flat tab.. Adult kid.Tx.: Trials of initial im/m. reg. after kidney. Tx. including: Siros as a component of a reg. including: Csp & steroids: onetime loading dose of 6 mg or 15 mg (3 times maintenance dose) followed by maintenance of either 2 or 5 mg/d. was utilized. Initial evrol dose: 0.75 mg orally twice/d. is recommended for adult kidn. Tx. in combination é reduced dose Csp. In clinical practice, dosage adj. for both mTOR inhibitors are made based upon several f.s incl.[concomitant use of P450 enzyme inducers or inhibitors, hepatic insufficiency, toxicity, and/or infection]. Limited data on Siros are available in geriatrics & pediatrics.

Organ impairmentDosage adj. of Siros is not required é R.I., but dosage red-uctions to one 1/3rd N. maintenance dose should be used é hepatic impairment. Moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class B): daily dose of evrol needs to be decreased by one ½ recommended initial daily dose. There’s no information é severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class C) on everolimus pharmacokinetics . Close monitoring of mTOR inhibitors é whole-blood concentrations is indicated.

Q.706. How to do therapeutic drug monitoring?        

A. Steady-state concentrations: of Siros occur 5-7 d. after start of thpy or dose change. Clinical trials: mean whole-bld trough levels (by immunoassay) = 9 ng/mL & 17 ng/mL in the 2 & 5 mg ttt groups, resp..  Routine drug monitoring:  An excellent correlation exists between trough whole-blood levels & area under the time-concent-ration curve for Siros. Routine drug monitoring of Siros is recommended for all ptns. Clinically, Siros whole blood are measured by both chromategraphic & immun- oassay. Recomm. time for collection=one h. prior to next oral dose. Whole-blood samples shd be collected in tubes é EDTA & protected fr. light; samples collected in this fashion are stable for 24 h. at room ◦C, up to one w. at 2-8 ◦C, & up to 3 m. at -20◦C.

When Siros is used with Csp & predn., trough whole-bld Siros of 5-15 ng/mL were ass. é protection fr. Ac. Rj. & adverse effects. Siros trough>15 ng/mL 🠞[hypertrG, thrombocytopenia & leucopenia]. Siros levels<5 ng /mL 🠞Ac. Rj.. When Siros is used é Aza & predn., higher trough levels may be necessary. In a clinical trial of R.Tx. recipient, Siros trough levels were maintained at 30 ng/mL for the 1st two m. posttransplant then 🠟to 15 ng/mL thereafter. Ac. Rj. episodes were rep. in 28-41 % of ptns. Monitoring{“phosphorylation status” of p70S6 kinase in peripheral blood mononuclear cells} has been proposed as an alternative strategy for Siros monitoring. Routine monitoring of evrol trough levels is recommended & concentration should fall é 3-8 ng/mL target range. Optimally, dose adj. should be based on trough level obtained 4-5 d. after a prev. dosing change .

Kidney histopathology was examined in an autopsy of 42 ptns died e COVID-19. Mean age was 72 ys; 88 % were > 60 ys. Co-morbidities, e.g. HT (73 %), DM (42 %), coronary artery or cerebrovascular dis (32%), obesity (31%), & CKD (29 %) were common. AKI (mostly stage 3) was noted in 31 of 33 ptns. Most ptns (62%) exhibited varying degrees of ATN, one hd collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), & many show sequelae of their medical comorbidities (eg, HT nephron-sclerosis). ATN was the predominant kidney pathological finding in other studies. Some ptns show collapsing FSGS, called COVID-associated nephropathy (COVAN); such ptns may show nephrotic-range proteinuria. Presence of viral particles have been reported in the kidneys of COVID-19 ptns. However, these may instead be endosomal subcellular structures (eg, clathrin-coated vesicles and multivesicular bodies). Confirmatory ultrastructural in-situ hybridization used in other studies has failed to recognise the presence of virus in the kidney.


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