What is the difference between hypoxic and hypercapnic respiratory failure?
Intensive Care Nephrology
ESRD ptns are particularly vulnerable to severe
COVID-19 (older
age & high frequency of co-morbidity, e.g. DM & HT, in this cohort. The
hv issued guidelines and a list of resources to guide nephrologists to provide
life-sustaining DX care. These resources that continue to evolve are frequently
updated, including the following: early
recognition & isolation of individuals with respiratory Sm(s);
ptn separation & cohorting within waiting
areas and within DX unit; use of personal protective equipment in DX unit; with added measures for ptns with
confirmed/suspected COVID-19.
Revise please the abbreviation list on:
Q.429. What is the difference between hypoxic &
hypercapnic respiratory failure?
A. Hypoxic Resp. failure c Failure to
maintain adequate oxygenation.
Resp. failure c
inadequate ventilation c Co2 retention.
Q.430. What are the possible modes of
mechanical ventilation in I.C.U.?
A. Modes of Mch.v.:
I. Volume-cycled: certain “tidal
volume” delivered by the ventilator: SIMV (Synchronized
Intermittent Mandatory Ventilator) & CMV (Continuous
Mandatory Ventilation).
II. Pressure-cycled ventilation:
volume is delivered until pre-set maximum pressure is reached = P.C.V. =
pressure controlled ventilation.
III. Flow-cycled
ventilation : “inspiration” continued until a pre-set flow rate is
reached ( P.S.V.) = Pressure Support Ventilation.
Minimizes the work of breathing done by the ptn., it is used in ptn. é myocardial ischemia or profound hypoxemia,
e.g. COPD
& tachypnea ptn..