Q.287. What is the most common type of bacterial infection in patient life?
VI. U.T.I.
Revise please the abbreviation list on:
Q.287. What is the most
common type of bacterial infection in patient life?
A. UT.I.☜ is the most common bacteria infecting a patient in his life span.
Q.288. What are the criteria of diagnosis of UT.I.?"
A. Criteria of Dgx.:
🠞Urine examination [10] leukocytes/cmm3.
🠞Culture Validity (bacterial
colony count)105 colony forming unit, at least.
🠞Nature of organism: The most common:👉Enterococcus fecali s(G-ve).
Q.289. Which patient is more susceptible
for UT.I.?
A.“Susceptibility” for UT.I. (hematogeous or ascending):
(1) Obstruction of urine flow (even é short period).
(2) Intratubular
chemical injury.
(3) Vascular factors: intra renal V.C, R.V.
(4) Hgc. hypotension.
(5) Analgesics.
(6) K+ depletion.
(7) Renal
(8) P.K.D.
Q.290. What is the suggested mechanism for ascending infection?
A. Two possible mechanisms:
v V.U.R.:
Congenital abnormalities é ureter insertion.
v Intrarenal ☜ reflux:
Papillae é opening
allow spread of organisms to R. parynchyma, inflmm., scarring & Ch. P.N.
Q.291. Is there any role for ACEI/ARBs in ttt. UT.I.?
A. ACEI/ARBs have Antisclerotic effect thr. : Down-regulation
of TGF-B (trans-forming
growth f. B. ) Prevention of R. Scarring. As, ch. P.N. & ch. inflmmation TGF-B & Platlet G.F. R. Scarring.
Q.292. How can D.M. increase the susceptibility to UTI.?
A. D.M.:
Dc. Np.⮚Impair bladder emptying.
D.M.⮚Papillary necrosis.
D.M.⮚🠟🠟host defense mechanisms.
D.M. ⮚Necrotizing invasive bacteriaEmphysematous infection..
Q.293.What are the direct possible factors precipitating Emphysematous cystitis or pyelonephritis?
A. “Emphysematous” cystitis or P.N. us. expected due to :
v Gas forming organisms invasion.
v High glucose level.
v Impaired
tissue perfusion.
Q.294.What is the relation between UT.I.
& patient age & sex?
A. Between infancy & 55 y. old (prostate), UTI is us.
predominantly a ♀ dis., in pediatric ch. P.N. is the most
common cause of H.T.
Q.295.What is the impact of V.U.R &
reflux nephropathy on kidney function?
A. V.U.R & reflux Np.: ⮚
(1) H.T.
(2) Retardation
of Renal growth.
(3) Obstruction &
other congenital anomalies.
(4) Progressive
G.losclerosis 2ry FSGS Proteinuria = 1.2-5.8 g/24h.
Q.296.What are the general impacts of UT.I.?
A. UT.I.