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Q. 253. Can you compare nonoliguric versus oliguric A.T.N.?


tubulointerstitial diseases ppt tubulointerstitial diseases of the kidney ppt tubulointerstitial renal diseases glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases pathology of tubulointerstitial disease tubulointerstitial disease symptoms causes of tubulointerstitial nephritis how to diagnose tubulointerstitial nephritis tubulointerstitial disease causes

Revise please the abbreviation list on:


Q253. Can you compare nonoliguric versus oliguric A.T.N.?

A. Dcr. in GFR occ. in ATN is not always ass. é dcr. in urine output. While anuria (= urine output <50 mL/d.) is relatively rare, urine output cn vary fr. olig-uric levels (< 500 mL/d.) to relatively normal values. Anuria is rare, however. Difference in urine output betw. oliguric & nonoliguric ATN may be due to variations GFR or in rate of tub. reabsorption. Animal & human studies sugg.: less sev. injury is present in nonoliguric  compared é oliguric subjects.  

Use of diuretics to incr. urine output in ptns é established oliguric ATN does not shorten the duration of R.F., dcr. requirement for DX, or improve survival. Among ptn. é oliguria & established ATN, diuretics shd not be used as a possible therapy of ATN. Diuretics may be given for a short length of time for vol. control, but such use shd not postpone initiation of DX. (if required).

Q.254. How could H.B. & Myoglobin (M.G.) harm the tubules? 

A. (1) Iron released fr. H.B. & M.G. generate free radicles that.:

*      Attack & oxidize cell membrane Cell death.

*      Consume endogenous V.D. substances, e.g. N.O. more R. ischemia.

     (2) Markedly oxidized lipids, e.g. F2-isoprostanes V.C.

Q.255. What is medullary sponge kidney?

tubulointerstitial diseases ppt tubulointerstitial diseases of the kidney ppt tubulointerstitial renal diseases glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases pathology of tubulointerstitial disease tubulointerstitial disease symptoms causes of tubulointerstitial nephritis how to diagnose tubulointerstitial nephritis tubulointerstitial disease causes

A. Disorder of R. collecting duct Spatulous & dilated Slow movement of ur. flow fr. tub. to R. pelvis Supersaturation & crystal formation Crystal adherence to urothelium Nucleation, aggregation & stone formation. However, the dis. is asymptomatc.

Q.256. What is the “novel therapy” for APKD?   Is there any harm of a simple renal cyst?   

tubulointerstitial diseases ppt tubulointerstitial diseases of the kidney ppt tubulointerstitial renal diseases glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases pathology of tubulointerstitial disease tubulointerstitial disease symptoms causes of tubulointerstitial nephritis how to diagnose tubulointerstitial nephritis tubulointerstitial disease causes

A. Novel therapy” for APKD:

1)   Tolvaptan: (vasopressin–receptor antagonist|) ..

         as : (Vasopressinà incr. c. Amp increase Cytogenesis).

2)   Somatostatin (Octreotide )à Dcrease “intracystic fliud” accmmulation.

3)   “m. Tours”: Rapamycin à stabilizes cystic volume.

- N.B.:Tolvaptan in ADPKD: Course is us. ass. é pain, H.T., & R.F. Preclinical studies indicated tht vasopressin V2-receptor antagonists inhibit cyst growth & slow the kid. function decline. Conclusions: Tolvaptan, as comp. é placebo, slowed the incr. in total kidney vol. & kidney func. decline over a 3-y. period in ADPKD but ws ass. é higher discontinuation rate, owing to adverse events. FDA: Drug safety: Samsca (tolvaptan),Warning: Potential Risk of liver Injury: Healthcare providers shd perform liver tests promptly é Sm. indicating liver inj-ury, incl.:[fatigue, anorexia, Rt. upper abd. discomfort, dark urine or jaundice ]. If hepatic injury is suspected, Samsca shd be discontin-ued, appropriate ttt shd be started & investigations shd be performed to deter-mine the cause. Samsca shd not be re-initiated unless the cause for liver injury is established to be un-related to Samsca. (N Engl J Med 2012; 367:2407-2418. Dec. 20, 2012).

- N.B.: “Simple renal cyst”, recently:

Simple renal cysts are obs. frequently in normal kidney and most nephrologists consider them of little clinical significance. In a large study of healthy potential kidney donors, after adjusting for age and sex, cysts ≥5 mm were ass. é higher albumin excretion, H.T. & hyperfiltration.

Q.257. Describe the outpatient workup of a patient with nephrolithiasis?

A. Outpatient workup of a patient with nephrolithiasis:

(1) Urine analysis:

*               Sp. Gr.>1.020, too concentrated urine Oral fluid intake.

*               Ur. P.H. > 6.0 & s. HCO3 RTA !

*               Pyuria C & S   proper A.B.

*               Cystine crystals 24 h. urinary cysteine.

(2) S. Ca+:

*               > 10.5 mg/dl.   Consider Iry hyperpara. P.T.H.

*               <10.5 mg/dl.   Normal.

(3) S. Po4:< 2.8 mg/dl é Ca+ stone former add: KPo4  q.i.d. to“thiazide” reg..

(4) S. uric a.:  > 8 mg/dl  if + Hyperuricosuria or uric a. stone present 🠟dietary intake of purines & consider Allopurinol thpy.

(5) S. Hco3: < 22 mEq/L. RTA or incomplete “distal RTA” (document é acid loading test) ttt.: K+ Ctrate. (one mEq./kg/d.).

(6) 24 h. Ur.Cr.:

*               Vol. <1500 ml/24 h. Oral fluid intake.

*               > 1-1.5 g./d. Adequate 24 h. urine collection.

*               < 1.0 g./d.  inaccurate collection (affecting other values).

(7) Urinary Calcium:

*    > 300 mg/d. () & > 250 mg/d. () or > 4 mg/kg/d.  if stone analysis is consistent Hydro-chlorothiazide: 25-50 mg q.d.+ K+ Citrate 20-40 mEq/d.

*               > 150 mg/d. & Ca+ stones present thiazide + K Citrate.

(8) Ur. Uric a.:

                                   I.        >700 mg/d. Ur. alkz. (K Citrate 50 mEq./d), Allopurinol 300 mg/d.

                                 II.        < 700 mg/d As above, if uric a. stone still present.

(9) Ur. Po4: calculate (tub. Po4 reabsorption): TRP= {[U/P Po4]/[U/P Cr.]}-1

If < 0.8 = R.Po4 wasting 2ndry to R. tub defect or Hyperpara, is considered.

(10)Ur. Citrate: N. =140-940 mg/d. , Low Ur. Citrate RTA.

(11)Ur. Oxalate:

*               25-50 mg/d.: Reduce dietary Oxalate intake.

*               50-150 mg/d. Hyperoxaluria 2ndry to G.I.T. disease Correct the cause & Cholestyramine 8-10 g/d. PO., to bind bile acids.

*               >150 mg/d. Iry Hyperoxaluria ttt.: Pyridoxine (150-400 mg/d.).

Q.258. What is the relationship between bacteria & Struvite stone formation?

A. G.-ve bacteria (Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Proteus) & G+ve bacteria (Strepto-coccus fecalis)  Bacterial urease (splitting enz.) ammoniumUr. Alkaln-ization. Ch. ch. lamellated structure of struvite stone= Layers of bacterial products + minerals. ttt: stone =foreign body, is difficult to penetrate, So Complete removal+ proper A.B.

Q.259. What tubular transport defect leads to metabolic alkalosis & hypokalemia?

A.Two genetic syndromes, Bartter’s syndrome (B.S.) & Gitelman’s syndrome (G.S.) : ass é mutation in transport proteins é Distal nephron:

B.S. [Metabolic alkalosis + Hypokalemia + N. B.P. + 2ndry Hyperrenninemic hyperaldosteronism.].

G.S.[Metabolic alkalosis + Hypokalemia, if severe tetany, HypoMg+ Hypocalciuria]. It’s caused by loss of function mutations in thiazide-sensitive NaCl co-transporter in “coll-ecting ducts”. While B.S. is caused by: defects in one of the molecules involved in NaCl transport across TAL. Recently, a new gene (BSND) responsible for antenatal variant of B.S., é sensorineural deafnss, hs bn identified & encode a new protein, barttinبارطين , wch’s essential subunit for basolateral Cl channels.

Q.260. What is Fanconi syndrome(F.S.)?

A. A generalized diso. of R. tub. transport [Po4.uria, a.a.uria, glucosuria+ Loss of K+, uric a., HCO3].Transport abn. are mainly proximal but cn also occ. é distal tub.. Partial F.S. cn occ., but if multiple transport defects occ. this means multiple processes e.g.: Krebs cycle, Na, K+-ATPase, are defective. Ult-rastructural abn. involve mitochondria & endoplasmic reticulum. C.P.: {Rick-ets, osteomalacia, metabolic acidosis, stunted growth (children) & hypo-kalemia]. In “Pediatric”: Cystinosis is ass. é F.S.. In adults, hypoPo4 is Sm.-tc. and acquired F.S., may be ass. é M.M., Wilson’s dis. & tub. toxins. F.S. may be an 👉 early feature of M.M.  

Q.261. What is difference between renal tubular disorder & tubulointerstitial diseases?

A. Interstitial dis. are ch.ch.by: [inflammation or fibrosisbetweentubules tht transport abnormalities, wch’r 2ndry to the inflmm. or fibrotic process].   While...

- R. tub. defects: ch.ch. by [transport abn.+”preserved R.architecture]. Filtered substances [Gluc., a.a., Po4, Ca, Mg.,Na, K+, uric a.] us. reabsorbed in proximal tub., then their excretion is regulated in distal tub.. A reduction in transport of any of them inadequate reabsorption & appearance in urine. Defects may be genetic or acquired.

Q.262. What causes Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (D.I.)?

A. Inability of the collecting ducts “to respond to Vasopressin D.I., due to:

(1) Toxic: [Amphotericin B., Li-thpy, HyperCa+, sev. hypok+, distal nephron injury].

(2) Genetic loss of function of proteins incl.: V2 vasopressin receptor & water channel, aquaporin-2.

(3) Obstructive injury.

Q.263. What is “Heymann” Nephritis?

A. Injection of crude preparation of (tub. brush border extract) called (Fx1A) into allogeneic rats [A.B. mediated response, mimic M.N. in humans + tubulointerstitial injury]. The responsible Ag. MEGALIN.

Q.264. What are the causes of Ac. tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN)?

A. Aetiology of Ac.TIN :

1)   A.B.: [Cephalosporins- Ciprofluxacin- Sulfonamide].

2)   NSAIDAllopurinol- Aza- Acyclovir.

3)   Infection: {CMV-EBV-HIV- Mumps- Leptospira- Legionella.}

4)   Idiopathic:(Im/m):Anti-tub. B.M dis.

5)    TINU: Tubulointerstitial Nephritis & Uviitis syndrome.                                               

- All NSAID esp. [Fenoprofen & Refocoxib (vioox)]: Risk of TIN dis.

Q.265. What is the hallmark of Ac. tubulointerstitial nephritis?

A. The hallmark of TIN.: { Eosinophilic & Lymphocytic inflamm. cell infiltration é interstitium, Sparing👉 B.V. & Glomeruli}.