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Q.274. How can you suspect a hereditary form of G. nephritis?


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Q.274. How can you suspect a hereditary form of G. nephritis?

A. Pres. of Gross hematuria + F.H. of R.F. + Sensorineural deafness + ocular mnf. (anterior lenticonus), in a male (x-linked) = Suug.: Alport’s Synd. (hered-itary nephritis).

Q.275. How to confirm diagnosis of Alport’s syndrome? 

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A. Laminated appearance of G.B.M. due to longitudinal splitting of the “Lamina Densa” is diagnostic of Alport’s in immunostain of R. biopsy.

v  A less invasive test: “Skin Biopsy”: incubated + monoclonal A.B., anti a-5-type IV. Collagen 🠊No staining in X-linked Alport’s, but:👉discontinued staining in female carriers. Normal staining occ. é [autosomal dominant Alport’s-thin B.M. dis. & other G.pthies].

Q.276. How can you D.D. Alport’s fr. other common causes of Glomerular hematuria?

A. Other common causes incl.: IgA. Np. (Gross hematuria + No F.H. + post respiratory infc.) & Thin B.M. dis.:” Benign familial hematuria” (microscopic hematuria + F.H. + benign course i.e. No R.F.).

Q.277. What are the clinical manifestations & diagnosis of hereditary nephritis (Alport’s syndrome)?

A. Alport ‘s is a genetic heterog. dis. results fr. mutations in genes encoding a-3, a-4 & a-5(IV) chains of type IV collagen. X-linked, autos. recessive & autos. dominant forms of the dis. account for 80, 15 & 5 % of cases, resp.. Abn. of a-3, a-4, or a-5 (IV) cha-ins of type IV collagen cause: B.M. impairment in the glomerulus, eye & inner ear. C.P. us. based upon clinical manif. of affected males é X-linked dis..: G. dis. progress to ESRD, ocular abn. (ant. lenticonus), sensorineural hearing loss &+ve F.H. of R.F. & hearing loss. Auto. recess. disease hv similar C.P. & course, while autos. dom. disease hv a slower deterioration of R. function.

Initial R. manif. aSm.tic microscopic hematuria. S. cr. & B.P.: normal in early childhood, but progressive R.I., H.T. & proteinuria dev. é time. ESRD us. occ.  between 16 & 35 y., but course is more indolent in some families. Dgx. us. susp. fr. F.H. of R.F. & deafness. Confirm. of Dgx. is made by either skin or R. biopsy. EM: Classical Alport's syndrome due to X-linked hereditary nephritis. There’s prominent lamination and fraying of the GBM.