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How can you distinguish glomerular from extraglomerular hematuria?


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Q.148. How can you distinguish glomerular from extraglomerular hematuria?

A.   Glomerular vs. extraglomerular hematuria:  




Color (macroscopic):

Red or pink.    

Red, smoky brown, or "Coca-Cola“. 


May be present.                      



usually absent.               

May be present

RBCs morphology



RBCs casts.

Absent .                        

May be present.

Q. 149.What is the Hallmark of S.L.E. ?  

- Auto-A.B. production of: A.N.A. & Anti-DNA, incr. Anti-DNA. titre correlate well é clinical activity.

- Anti-S.m. A.B. (25% of cases): V. specific to L. nephritis & greatly ass. é C.N.S. , R. disease., more cutaneous mnf. &, cardiopulmonary mnf. & Worse prognosis.

Q.150. What are the renal manifestations of SLE?   👓

A. Renal Manifestation of SLE:

1)   Proteinuria: 100 %, N.S.: (45-65%).

2)   Hematuria: 

*    Microhematuria: 80 %.

*      RBCs casts: 10 %.

*    Macrohematuria 1 %.

3)   Cellular casts: (30%).

4)   Reduced renal perfusion: (40-80%):

                                    🠞  RBGN: 10-20%.

                                    🠞AKI: 1%

5)   Hypertension: (15-50%).

6)   Hyperkalemia: 15 %.

      Tubular abnormalities: (a.Sm.tc.)(60-80%).

Q.151. Mention the major criteria for diagnosis?


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-  { 4 of Eleven criteria are necessary for Dg.x. of S.L.E. } :  

1)   Malar rash.    

2)   Photosensitivity. 

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3)   Discoid Lupus.       

4)   Dermal mamifestation.

5)   Oral/nasal ulcers.  

6)   C.N.S. mamifestation.

7)   Serositis (Pleural/Pericardial).

8)    Renal mnf. (Persistent Prot. ½ g./d.).

9)   Cytopenias.

10) Arthritis (Non-defomitive).     

11)Im/m. markers: [ANA-Anti-DNA- Anti-Sm.].

Q.152. What is Full House  in S.L.E. ? What’s its significance?

A. Full House=After booker hands =Christmas Tree in S.L.E. = Pres. of   [Ig.: G+A+M+ C3+ C1q.] altogether in I.F. study of R. biopsy, of a lupus ptn..

-  Full House & C1q staining  Strongly suggestive of “Lupus Nephritis”.

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IF-anti IgG: The immunofluorescence profile is “full house”, meaning that IgG, IgA, IgM C3 & C1q are usually present. This image displays mesangial and granular loop staining for IgG.

IF-anti-IgA: Both mesangium & capillary loops are stained. Note the intensity is less than with anti-IgG.

IF-anti-IgM: Again both mesangium & capillary loop staining is observed, however there is slightly more within the mesangium. Note the intensity is also less than that seen with anti-IgG.

IF-anti-CHYPERLINK "http://pathology.osu.edu/residents/StudyGuides/EM/SLEnephropathy/SLEnephritis.htm"1HYPERLINK "http://pathology.osu.edu/residents/StudyGuides/EM/SLEnephropathy/SLEnephritis.htm"q: Staining here’s v. similar to tht sn é anti-IgG. Often the intensity rivals tht of anti-IgG.

IF-anti-C3: C3 is the most common complement observed in SLE, with C1q almost as common.

Q.153. Give the new classification of S.L.E.?

i.Minimal mesangial (N. in L.M.). 

ii.Mesangial proliferation.     

iii.Focal (<50%) proliferative.        

iv.Diffuse (>50%) proliferative.

v.Membranous Lupus.

vi.Advanced Sclerosis.

Q. 154.  How can you monitor “Lupus Activity”? What are the signs & symptoms of Lupus Flare?

 A. - “Parameters of activity”:

(1)         Active urinary sediment (Dysmorphic RBCs. & RBCs casts).            

(2)         Hypocomplementemia .

(3)         Anti-DNA titer. 

(4)         High E.S.R.

(5)         High C.R.P.

(6)         Circulating im/m. complexes. 

(7)         Cytokine & IL. Level.

(8)         Systemic mnf. (fever, fatigue, asthenia).

(9)         Activity features in biopsy:  [fibrinoid necrosis.- Leukocytic infiltration- Wireloop deposits. - Hyaline thrombi- H/E. Bodies].