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Clinical predictors of progression of renal disease.


Revise please the abbreviation list on:



Q.96.What are the clinical predictors of progression? (see also Q.5)

A. Clinical predictors of progression : Ptn. develop progressive disease typically have one or more of the foll. at time dgx, each of which is a marker for more severe dis. :

1)   Elevated S. creatinine .

2)   Hypertension.

3)   Persistent protein excretion > 1000 mg/d.

Q.97. Describe how is Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) related to IgA Np?

A. HSP 🠞 a small vessel systemic vasculitis ch.ch. by small B.V. deposition of IgA esp. é skin, joint, gut & kidney. Nephritis of HSP ch.ch. by mesangial IgA deposition, it may be indistinguishable fr. IgA Np. The following indirect evidence has been observed:        👌

v  Monozygotic twins: one has IgA & the other HSP é same time.

v  HSP has been described é adults & children é background of proven IgA Np.

v  IgA immune system abn. incl. abn. IgA glycosylation, described in both dis.

Q.98. What is Oxford classification of IgA nephropathy? Enumerate 2ry causes of IgA Np.?

A. Pathologic classification of IgA Np has been developed by the International IgA Np Network Group working in collaboration with the R. Pathology Society:

1)   Mesangial hypercellularity.

2)   Segmental glomerulosclerosis.

3)   Endocapillary hypercellularity.

4)   Tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis.

A. 2.ry causes of IgA Np.:

*      H.I.V.

*      Henöch-Schönlin purpura.

*      Crohn’s dis.

*      Celiac dis.

*      Glutin sensitive entropthy.

*      Liver disease.

*      Alcoholic cirrhosis.

*      Lung cancer.

*      Pulm. hemosidrosis.

*      Sicca syndrome.

*      Alkylosing spondylitis.

*      Rieter’s syndrome.

*      Leprosy.

*      Toxoplasmosis.

Q.99.What is the pathogenesis of IgA Np.?

A.{Aberrant synthesis & metabolism of IgA🠞 mesangial depos. of Ig A} = is the main event. Initiating event 🠞 msng. deposition  of IgA, which’s polymeric  IgA1. Inciting factorss are poorly understood, but may include aberrant synthesis & metb. of IgA🠞 IgA immune complex é ch.ch. favoring msng. deposition.

v  Etiology is unknown, but genetic ch.ch.s may predispose to developed of kid. dis. &  mucosal infection may drive generation of IgA immune complex.. Infection causes incl.:[CMV, H. parainfluenzae, S. Aureus & Toxoplasmosis] 🠞 mucosal immune injury.

v  Ig. A Np  is complex polygenic dis. involving  both MHC & non-MHC alleles.

Q.100. What is new in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy?

A. MicroRNAs: [Are endogenous small (18-24 nucleotides long) noncoding single-stranded RNAs tht regulate gene expression at posttranscriptional level]. They bind to messenger RNAs of many genes, leading to their degradation. Ptn. hv high % of poorly O-galactosylated IgA1. One of the enzymatic response for galactosylation of IgA1,👉 core1 b1,3-galactosyltransferase 1, is inhibited by sp. microRNA called 👉 miR-148 b. This micro-RNA is upregulated in ptn. leukocytes é IgA Np as comp. é healthy.

N.B. Upregulation:= incr. in No. of receptors on surface of target cells, making them more sensitive to a hormone or another agent. e.g., there’s an increase in uterine oxytocin receptors in 3rd  trimester of pregnancy, promoting the contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus.

Q.101. What is the clinical picture? How to diagnose?

v  A. Ig A Np is the most common cause of Iry G.N . Its more common Pathologically: [prominent, globular deposits of IgA in msngial on I.F]  L.M.: [diffuse msng. prolif. & matrix expan. with proliferation G.N. & crescents in more adv. dis.] . E/M sh.  [dense deposits primarily in msngial].

v  Manif. us. restricted to kidney. However, Ig A Np depos., us. clinically silent, but may be sn é cirrhosis, celiac disease& HIV infection, clinically apparent dis. may occur Ig.A Np may rarely be sn é other G. dis.: e.g. MCD &W.G.

v  Presentation: Gross hematuria (single or recurrent), foll. upper resp. infection , or microscopic hematuria é or without mild Prot incidentally é routine exam., rarely, ARF with or without oliguria, due either to crescentic Ig.A Np, or to gross hematuria🠞tub. occlusion  and/or damage by RBCs, may occur.

v  D.gx.: Susp. on basis of C.P., but can be confirmed only  by R. biopsy, which’s usually performed for susp. Ig A Np only if there’re Sn. suggestive of more severe or progressive dis. such as protein excretion > 0.5 - 1 g/d.,🠝 s. cr. , or H.T. among Asians & Caucasians , é 2:1 male  to female predominance.

Q.102. What is the prognosis of Ig.A. Np.?

A. Ptns without signif.  proteinuria or R. dysf. us. undergo complete remission However, most ptn will hv stable or slowly progr. dis..On the other hand, ptns é 💢 persistent proteinuria and/or H.T.  and/or🠉 s. cr. are at incr. risk for progression, é incid of ESRD: 20-30 % at 20 y., é another 20 % have 🠋 R. function.

Hist. finding ass.. é worse prognosis incl.:crescent form., which’s uncommon & more importantly, Sns of irreversible 💣 damage[G. scarring, tub. Atrophy & interstitial fibrosis ]. ARF é gross hematuria is us. reversible  & s.Cr. returns to baseline but this us. leave residual hist. damage that could🠞 worse long-term prongosis. If episode is more severe or prolonged, R. biopsy us. required to rule out new onset crescent  formation. Ptn é concurrent msngial IgA deposits & N.S. é minimal ch. dis. pattern on R. biopsy appear to have a course similar to MCD.

Q.103. How to treat?

v  No ttt” for:👉 isol. hematuria, no  or minimal Prot. & normal GFR . instead: periodical monitored 6-12 m. intervals to assess for progression.

v  Persist. prot. (>500-1000 mg/d.)🠞ACEI or ARB : monothp. & target reduction in protein excretion 👉 50-60 % from basel. é goal of <500 or <1000 mg/d.

v  Ptns meetig criteria for ACE inhibition also receive fish oil . ptns é  persistent N.S. and/or CKD & dyslipidemia ttt é statin. Ptns é Ac. onset of N.S. & minimal change dis. as well as msngial IgA deposits on R. biopsy Gl.coid  thpy as in other ptns with MCD.

v  Progr. active  dis. (hematuria é incr. Prot. and/or incr. s. cr. despite ACEI/ARB Start Glcoid alone. Two reg. us. recomm : I.V. Mprd.:(½ g./ dose & in child. 7-15 mg/kg/dose, max. one g.)/3d. é begin. of 1st, 3rd & 5th m.& altern. d. oral pred.:0.5 mg/kg./6 m., thn taper to  discounted.

v  Alternative regimen: avoids pulse thp:2 mg/kg pred. (max.100-120 mg) E.O.D./2 m., é rapid taperto: 0.5 mg/kg (30-40 mg) E.O.D./add. 4 m.. thn taper  to discounted.. Severe dis. é baseline (initial >1.5  mg/dL /133 µmol/L.) or progr. dis. é Glcoid  alone (🠉s.Cr. and/or protein excr.) & have no signif. ch. damage é R. biopsy oral prednisone & Cph..

v  One reg.:Pred. (1 mg/kg, max.60-80 mg/d.)/2-3 m., slow taper to 10 mg/d. for 1-2 y.s.Cph (1.5 mg/kg/ d.) orally/3m., following, if cr. stab. & protein excretion fallen, by either aza. (1.5 mg/kg /d.) or MMF (one g. twice/d.,taper. to ½g twice/d.)/1-2 y.s (maint.) Crescentic GN  & rapidly progr. clinical course i.v. pulse Gl.coid & aza..

v  Another regimen: I.V. Mprd. for 3 consecutive d.½-1g./dose or, in children, 7-15 mg/kg in child./dose max. of 1g.) foll. by oral pred. (1mg/kg /d., max. 60-80 mg) for 2-3 m., thn a slow taper to a maintenance of 10 mg/d. for 1-2 y.s. Cph.: (0.5 g/m2. i.v.) m./3 m. foll., if s. cr. stabilized & protein excrtion falls, by either aza. (1.5 mg/kg/d.) or MMF(1mg twice/d.&tapering to ½g twice /d.) for/1-2 y.s as maintenance therapy, provided tht cr. stabilized & Prot. was reduced. If s. cr. or degree of proteinuria have not improved after initial Cph:👉repeat biopsy to estimate activity of the dis. & amount of t. interstitial damage (the irreversible component) before deciding to continue im/m..

Q.104.What is the D.D. of glomerular hematuria (persistent isolated G. Hematuria)?   

A. 3 disorders 👌 account for most cases:{IgA Np, Alport synd. & thin B.M. Np.}. These condition can be distinguished by history & examination urine of aSmtic family members. Isolated G. hematuria, in abs. of F.H. of R.F., typically has a 👉 benign outcome. So, R. biopsy us. not indicated, since finding a treatable dis. is v. low.  

Some ptns present é isolated Hematuria will developed (H.T. and/or proteinuria) over time, and will be at increase risk for developed R.I.. So they should undergo regular control of B.P. & screening for Prot, to identify candidates for early intervention. Initial step in evaluation of red/brown urine is urine centrifugration to see if the red/brown color is in urine sediment or supernatant. Red/brown sedim. & clear supernatant estivesugg.: 🠞 hematuria. Red/brown supernatant wch’s +ve for heme sugg. 🠞 Myogl.uria or H.B.uria. A red to brown supernatant tht is -ve for heme cn be sn é  setting of use of bladder analgesic phenazopyridine or other drugs, certain food dyes, ingestion of beets in susceptible subj., porphyria & hydroxocobalamin for ttt of cyanide intoxication.



Q.105.What are the causes & diagnosis of membranous nephropathy (MN)?


A. MN is among the most common causes of N.S. in non-Dc. adults, (one-3rdof biopsies). Charecterized by:[diffuse thickening of GBM] on L.M, ["spikes" on silver st., diffuse granular IgG & C. deposition] on I.F. & [subepith. dense deposits] on E/M. Msng. and/or subendoth. depos. occ. é 2ndry MN, sugg.:immune c.x dis..

Pathg.:Immune depos. ch.ch. of this diso. may dev. in situ é movement across GBM of circul. IgG AB directed agnst endogenous Ag expressed on or near podocyte foot processes or agst circulating cationic or low m.w. Ag tht hv crossed anionic charge barrier in GBM. The M type phospholipase A2 receptor. (PLA2R ) is a mj Ag in human idiop. MN. Neutral endopeptidase(NEP) is an Ag in an antenatal form of MN.

MN is most often idiop., although it has been associated é special varieties, include hepatitis B, auto-immune dis. (e.g, lupus), malignancy, drugs e.g. [gold, penicillamine & NSAIDs] & in é other G. disease such as Dc Np. Most ptns present é N.S., but some hv only aSm.tic proteinuria. S. cr. is generally N. or near normal at presentation.  

D.gx of MN cn only be made by R. biopsy. 2ndry MN: ANA. A.B., C. & hepatitis B & C serology. Screening for malignancy is reasonable if age is suspicious, or there’s finding e.g. [guaiac +ve stools or unexplained anemia or wt loss].                                                                                      


Q.106. What are the causes of MN?

1)   Idiopathic: may represent autoA.B. agnst podocyte Ag.

2)   S.L.E. (WHO Class V).

3)   Drugs:

1.    Penicillamine

2.    Bucillamine

3.    Gold salts

4.    Anti-TNF thpy

5.    Tiopronin

6.    NSAIDs

4)   Hepatitis B virus .

5)   Hepatitis C virus (rare) .

6)   Malignancy (may not be causative).

7)   Hematopoietic cell transplant / GVHD

8)   Status post renal transplantation

9)   Sarcoidosis (uncommon)

Q.107.What is the prognosis of idiopathic M.N?