Q. 376. Who is the 1st physician declares the renal relation to anemia?
"Erythropoietin therapy"
Q. 376. Who is the 1st physician declares the renal relation to anemia?
A. Richard
Bright, 1836🠞1st said “After a time the
healthy color of the countenance ملامح الوجه fades”.
Q. 377. Then What?
A. In 1970 & 1980🠞Ischbach &
Adamson 🠞Pioneer
work : Epo
defined as 👉responsible
of renal anemia.
- In 1985 🠞Isolation
of the native Epo. gene, by “Lin
& colleague”.
- In 1986🠞r.HuEpo (recombinant human Epo.) colonizing🠞“Chinese hamster” ovary cell.
Q.378. In which site in the kidney Epo.
is secreted?
A. Two sites: ✌
Q.379. What are the recent K/DOQI guidelines as regard R. anemia?
* Start Epo
thpy at level of 🠞11-13 g/dl.
* Highest
threshold 🠞<
13.5 g/dl
in adult male.
* Highest
threshold 🠞<
11.5 - 12 g/dl in
adult female.
Q.380. What is the baseline workup for R. anemia according to recent K/DOQI? 👈
A. Baseline workup for R. anemia 🠊Hemogram: {Erythrocyte
indices, Retics , TSAT, S. ferritin, occult blood in stool &
either: % hypochromic erythrocytes, or Retics H.B. content}.
Q.381. What are the different forms of Epo
A. Epo. forms :
1) Epo a (Ebrex) &
B (Recormon) (165
a.a.)🠊Glycoprotein produced
thr. recombination of the human Epo gene within “Chinese hamster ovary”
cells.The B form àmore
basic (Sialic a.)🠊
higher in Vivo/Vitro activity. It is larger in volume of distribution, 20 % longer t.½ é i.v.
route, delayed more é s.c. route compared to Epoa.
2) Omega:
rHuEpo 🠊produced by baby hamster kidney, é slight hydrophilic ch. ch.
3) Delta:
rHuEpo🠊produced by human cell engineering to translocate the gene.
4) Pegylated form of erythropoietic stimulating f.🠊Continuous
Erythrocyte Receptor Stimulation, FDA approved.
Sialc a. & CHO 🠊🠝Duration
of action.
5) Hyperglycosylated(rHuEpo) analogue é 5
N-linked CHO chains(rHuEpo hs 3) designed in 1990 as [Darbepoietin alfa], “Aranesp”(Novel
Erythro-poiesis-Stimulating Protein) NESP. Depo &
rHuEpo 🠊same
mch. & intra-cellular signaling.
Q.382. How can you assist Epo resistance (failure of therapy or poor response)? (see also Q. 396).
A. Resistance to Epo
cn be related to the following:
1) P.H.
2) Differental WBCs (Infection) .
3) Water
soluble vitamin deficiency.
4) Hemolytic
5) Paraproteinemia.
6) Aliminum intoxication.
7) High
bone turnover.
Q.383 What are the adverse effects of Epo therapy?
A. Adverse effects of Epo therapy:
1) Worsening of H.T. (occur accelerated) due
to :
i. 🠝P.R.
ii. 🠝RBCs mass.
iii. Loss of V.D. effect of anemia.
2) Seizures (not
a C.I. for Epo.).
3) Impaired solute clearance, especially👉K+ 🠞Hyperkalemia & azotemia.
4) Increased
frequency of thrombotic events at, but not confined
to, vascular access, esp. é H.B. >13 g/dl.
5) Icreased. incidence of cancer
Q.384. Give the dose & route
of Epo?
A. Initial
dose of darbepoietin a (Dpo)🠊Pre. D.X. 🠞0.45 mcg/kg/w.
Initial dose of (Dpo) for
HDX. Ptn.🠊0.75 mcg/kg/w.
* Dose of rHuEpo 🠊(80-120) u/kg/w.
s.c. route
(120-180) u/kg/w. for i.v. route
- “Europian”
recommended 🠊(50-150) u/kg/w. s.c.
& i.v.
- “Canadian”
recommended🠊(100-200) u/kg/w. s.c.
& i.v.
- I.P. (intraperitoneal
abdomen or minimal Dzt.
- Suggested
SAFE rate of correction of anemia 🠊1-2 g/dl/m. ≤ 2-3 g/dl/m.
- Slow response to rHuEpo🠊Increased dose by 25-50 % & by 25 % é rapid rise of B.P.
- Measure H.B. Biweekly
at the start then monthly.
- Iron profile /3 monthly, if
erythropoiesis is stable.
Q.385. Why does the B.P. increase é Epo therpy?
A. Two ✌main reasons:
I. Incr. RBCs mass 🠞🠝 P.R.
II. Incr. “vascular reactivity”, due to: 👌
(1) 🠟 N.O.
production 🠞Loss of its V.D. effect.
(2) Release of Endothelin
& V.C. protanoids 🠞increased Cytosolic Ca+.
(3) Trophic effect of Epo on endothelial cell
Q.386.What is the role of oral Iron
in ttt. of anemia in H. DX. patient?
A. Pooooor, 😌😌😌 why? :
1. Poor compliance, due to G.I. upset, two cp./d at
least, poor education.
2. Poor efficacy, need to be taken é empty
stomach, poor absorption.
3. Poor absorption: Po4
binders interfere é iron absorption.
(Ca acetate 27%- Ca Hco3. 19% - Sevelamer Hcl 10%)
Oral iron can only be used in: 1.
P.D. 2.
Pre-DX. … as much
iron losses.