Which type of therapy may be allowed for pregnant lupus?
Revise please the abbreviation list on:
Q.158. Which type of therapy may be allowed for pregnant lupus?
A. {Steroid thpy. + Aza} , can be safely used é relative safety.
Q.159. What prognostic features denoting good response?
A. Reversal of :{1. Inflammatory response (see criteria of activity above). 2. Im/m. deposits. 3. Glomerular segmental scarring. 4. Interstitial fibrosis.} ..occ. within 6 m. denotes a favorable prognosis. ü
160. What is the most common R. les. in mixed connective tissue disease ? How to manage?
A. M.N. is the most comm. les. é overlap of (S.L.E., Scleroderma & polymyositis).
- The commonest test for Dg.x. ENA test (Extractable nuclear Ag.). إِينَا * Therapy. include: [Steroids - C.C.B.- ACE - & i.v. Prostacycline for P.H. ].
Q.161. Can amyloidosis be presented without proteinuria?
A. Vascular amyloidosis cn be presented é little or No proteinuria.
Q.162. Which type of G. dis. primarily ass. é “fibrillary deposits”?
1. Amyloidosis.
2. Fibrillary G.N.
3. Immunotactoid glomerulopathy… Other rare G. dis. incl.:
4. Fibronectin glomerulopathy &
5. Collagenofibrotic glomerulopathy.
Q.163. What is main histopathological difference between Amyloid fibrils & that of fibrillary G.N. & Immunotactoid G.N.?
Ultrastructural features of fibrils of amyloid (A), fibrillary glomerulonephritis (B), and microtubules of immunotactoid glomerulopathy (C). The amyloid fibrils are randomly arranged & nonbranching. In fibrillary G.N., the fibrils are morphologically indistinguishable fr. those of amyloid but thicker. Immunotactoid glomerulopathy is ch.ch. by microtubules that are hollow when viewed on end.
A..Whereas all amyloid fibrils are Congo-red +ve, all other forms of fibrillary deposition dis. are Congo-red -ve. Furthermore, while amyloid fibrils = 8-12 nm in size, fibrillary fibrils = 16-24 nm non-branched, in random & immunotactoid fibrils = 30-50 nm hollow microtubules arranged in a parallel stacks.