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The blood pressure is commonly elevated after kidney transplant, as hypertension is commonly observed in almost 70% % of kidney transplant recipients.

Hypertension after renal transplantation



Renal transplantation


The blood pressure (BP) is commonly elevated after kidney transplantation (KTx), as hypertension (HT) is commonly observed in almost 60-80 % of kidney transplant recipients KTRs. The uncontrolled BP is commonly seen among (KTRs). In certain reports, only 5 % of KTR were normotensive considering the accepted BP130/80 mmHg monitored via an ambulatory BP. The elevated BP may induce decline in allograft survival with LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy), that’s considered an independent risk factor for heart failure development and death in the general population as well as among KTR.  



Many risk factors have been related to a higher incidence of hypertension after KTx:

1]    Delayed and/or chronic graft malfunction

2]    Cadaveric donor allograft, particularly with a donor’s family history of HT.

3]    Preservation of the native kidneys.

4]    Cyclosporin  (Csp)tacrolimus and/or steroid therapy

5]    Higher total body weight

6]    Renal artery stenosis (RAS).

The kidney allograft may carry a pro-hypertensive or anti-hypertensive criteria. Certain studies showed that inherited tendencies to HT reside mainly in the kidney. Other factors that encourage HT evolution vary according to timing   after transplant. Immediately after transplantation, an acute rise in BP may be related to:

1]    Volume overload,

2]    Ischemic events,

3]    CNI-related toxicity, or

4]    Allograft dysfunction owing to rejection.

Management of rejection or excess fluid deloading with diuretics or via dialysis will get the BP down.


Role of glucocorticoids

Almost all patients require maintenance antihypertensive therapy, particularly if pulse or high-dose steroids, and/or CyA/tacrolimus were added. Steroids per se are not considered a major risk factor for HT development in KTRs due to rapid dose tapering. They may have a contributing effect; as gradual tapering of steroids may induce a drop in BP; that’s most pronounced in patients with previous HT.

Role of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI)

Before the era of cyclosporine (CyA) as a maintenance therapy, post-transplant HT was mostly developed via RAAS (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system) activation. Calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) play a crucial role in this issue, elevating BP in mostly ALL cases leading frequently to apparent HT.  Despite BP is reported to be lower with tacrolimus as compared to CyA, combined sirolimus and tacrolimus administration may augment HT development.  CyA can induce rise in both systemic and reno-vascular resistance. Increased production of vasoconstrictor mediators, e.g., endothelin, may also has a vital role.  



Evolution of HT related to RAS is crucial to recognize as it’s a reversible form of HT. RAS usually observed between 3 months and 2 years’ post-transplant. Risk factors for RAS development may include:

1]    Difficult allograft harvest (improper sutures/traumata),

2]    Atherosclerotic vascular disease,

3]    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease, and

4]    Delayed graft function (DGF).  

Anastomotic RAS cannot be easily assessed. Stenosis with functional significance can be seen in 12 % of KTRs with HT. In bilateral RAS or unilateral RAS in a single kidney, an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) or angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) may induce a correctible drop in GFR. A rise in SCR in this situation may suggest- but not diagnostic- of allograft reno-vascular lesion. Resistant uncontrolled HT, flash pulmonary edema, and an acute rise in BP are also common findings.



Arteriography is the preferable diagnostic technique, but owing to its invasive nature, MRA, magnetic resonance arteriography or CT angiography are currently applied instead.



Renal arteriography can be considered the procedure of choice to establish RAS diagnosis in a single kidney transplant. An allograft biopsy is usually proceeds angiography to exclude chronic rejection and other pathologies. However, given the risk an invasive technique, several alternates have been admitted that include: ultrasonography (U/S), magnetic resonance imaging (MRA), and, spiral CT angiography.  



Doppler US may be preferred in certain centre for RAS diagnoses. Despite it is highly accurate, unfortunately it is highly operator-dependent.

Magnetic resonance imaging 

Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) can be used for screening RAS among KTRs. However, the utilized gadolinium during imaging procedure has been strongly related to the nephrogenic systemic fibrosis development with moderate to severe kidney dysfunction, particularly with dialysis therapy. So, gadolinium-based procedures should be avoided, particularly with GFR < 30 mL/min. 

Spiral CT angiography

A useful non-invasive alternate to arteriography.  



The following options may be considered:

Ø Angioplasty (with or with no stents), and,

Ø Surgery.





Percutaneous balloon angioplasty could be a successful technique in almost 80 % of patients, despite 20 % may have recurrent stenosis. It’s also less efficacious with arterial kink, anastomotic locations, and lengthy lesions. Repetition of angioplasty cannot be successful in these patients. The successful application of stent placement combined with angioplasty suggests that metallic stents may be successful, particularly with recurrent allograft RAS lesions.  


The presence of extensive fibrotic lesions and scarring around the allograft makes surgical intervention of allograft RAS inapplicable. Surgery must be considered only with

*      Resistant HT, or

*      Proximal recipient arteriosclerotic involvement.

Successful rates may approach 60-90 %. However, recurrent stenosis may be observed in 10 % of patients and allograft loss can be seen also in 30 % of patients.



The target BP is primarily relied partially upon the presence/absence of proteinuria and/or current comorbid diseases, e.g., DM and/or cardiovascular comorbidities. The K/DOQI guidelines’ target BP must be < 130/80 mmHg. For patients with noticeable proteinuria (total Protein-Cr ratio of 500-1000 mg/g), the K/DOQI recommended that a lower systolic BP target should be optimized. The European best practice guidelines also recommended a BP target of < 125/75 mmHg for patients with proteinuria.  




The presence of post-transplant HT should be managed to guard against cardiovascular Sequalea and the possible hypertensive allograft injury. Post-transplant HT may be inversely related to the long-term renal allograft longevity.  There’re clinical evidence in favor of the beneficial impacts of BP management.

It also assumes that steroid dose is being decreased to the lower possible maintenance level both to control the BP and to limit its other metabolic Sequalea, that may negatively impact its cardiovascular effects, e.g., glucose intolerance and hyperlipidemia.


Patient is taking a CNI  

In hypertensive KTRs on a CNI agent, dose reduction should be tried. If HT persists, CCB (considering their drug interactions) or a diuretic (with salt limitation) should be instituted.


Calcium channel blockers (CCB)

CCB members are currently preferred by many clinicians, as they can limit the CyA-induced vasoconstriction in addition to its potent anti-hypertensive effect.  With CCB administration, a drug interaction with CyAtacrolimus sirolimus may occur. Verapamil diltiazem nicardipine ,and amlodipine , but not nifedipine or  or isradipine slow CyA/tacrolimus degradation and increase plasma CyA levels. Some clinicians currently recommend the use of nifedipine/isradipine to counteract this interaction, while other nephrologists prefer verapamil/diltiazem as inhibition of CyA/tacrolimus metabolism allows the use of lower CyA doses.


ACEi /ARBs and other agents

Role of ACEi/ARBs in KTR is fully understood. A variety of risks with ACEi/ARBs in CNI-dependent KTRs have been suggested:

v Combined ACEi and CyA-induced vascular dis cn induce a modest decline in GFR as just happen with RAS.  

v CyAtacrolimus tends to elevate potassium (K+)levels, due to reduction of urinary K+ excretion,  an effect that can be augmented by an ACEi. So, ACEi we don’t use ACEi with K+> 5.0 meq/L.

v ACEi may promote anemia in KTRs, by decreasing hematocrit by 5-10 % via an effect tht may be augmented by CyA.    

Given these drawbacks, 3-6 months’ post-transplant should be elapsed before prescribing an ACEi or an ARB.  After that, risk of rejection is minimized and anemia evolution can be managed.


Resistant hypertension

Persistent HT necessitates the performance of renal arteriography to exclude an underlying RAS, unless other findings supervene (e.g., renal impairment with active urinary sediment) that may attract the attention to the possibility of a recurrent primary disease. Angioplasty (with or with no stents) or surgery is recommended with tight stenotic lesions. However, native nephrectomy (kidney removal) is considered with the absence of the following:


1]    Rejection.

2]    Renovascular lesions,

3]    Recurrence of the original disease.



N.B. This Blogger is created to declare the development of hypertension after renal transplantation


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